Carl: "I heard we're goin' to Ape Island"
Lenny: "Yeah, to capture a giant ape. I wish we were going to Candy Apple Island"
Charlie: "Candy Apple Island? Whatta they got there?"
Carl: "Apes. But they're not so big"

That's the inspiration for the name. This is the place where I comment on pop culutre, interesting news, and really anything that's moderately entertaining or funny. Enjoy.


Why People Don't Like You

Want to get a laugh at someone else's expense and make a co-worker self conscious? Email them this article from MSN telling them why co-workers don't like them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Number 3 is my favorite! Reminds me of someone I know.

4/07/2005 11:29 AM

Blogger dwhit said...

Yeah she deserves her own entry very very soon.

4/07/2005 11:29 AM

Blogger LJ said...

I have to watch myself on #10 b/c I am a loud person. Luckily my boss is louder and he's aware of it so I'm always "not as bad."

4/07/2005 12:49 PM

Blogger dwhit said...

That's ok. Once Brandee and Megan were both on the phone at the same time. Megan with her husband and Brandee with a client. Megan said "I love you" to her husband before hanging up and her voice carried so much that Brandee's client asked if Brandee had just told her that she loved her.

Uncomfortable much?

4/07/2005 1:23 PM

Blogger LJ said...

that is awesome!

4/07/2005 2:33 PM


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