Pope Dies
Well in case you've been in outer-space for the past week, this just in . . . The Pope passed away. Workman has some interesting takes on the selection process for the new Pope that he just posted as well. What kills me about this are all the insane Catholics that you see on the news crying in the streets.
I know it was The Pope and he was an important guy and all, but aren't we over reacting just a tad? I mean he was old! He'd lived a full life! He'd been very sick lately and had numerous health problems over the past several years. It's not like he died young or as a result of foul play. Plus, this is a religious thing! Isn't the thinking among these religious nutjobs that he'll be better off now because he's gone to a better place yadda, yadda, yadda?
But no, everybody's all "The Pope died! It's so sad! Let's make a pilgrimage to see his lifeless body. . .Boo-hoo-hoo this is so terrible." No! It's not terrible! He was old, he was dying, it was his time!!!
Let me be clear. I think Pope John Paul II was a great guy and did a lot for humanity as a whole. I understand being sad that such a good man has passed on and can no longer be here on Earth to do good. I just don't understand the total devastation that the news continues to display each and every night.
In the spirit of celebrating the Pope's life I'm including a link to The Pope and The Peep. This is a short clip that was put together by Craig West for a college project, and I think it's one of the greatest things I've ever seen. Make sure you've got your sound on.
The latest...
There is a vocal contingent insisting that the Pope should be considered for sainthood.
I respected and admired Pope John Paul II (except for that little slip where he insisted priests who play with little boys pee pees should still have a place in the dioscese).
However, what is his biggest accomplishment? Surviving an assassination attempt? Offering a warm smile? Waving at the crowds? If that's all it takes for canonization, then I'll be checking into St. Reagan hospital any day now.
*Morris Workman
4/09/2005 12:19 AM
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