Carl: "I heard we're goin' to Ape Island"
Lenny: "Yeah, to capture a giant ape. I wish we were going to Candy Apple Island"
Charlie: "Candy Apple Island? Whatta they got there?"
Carl: "Apes. But they're not so big"

That's the inspiration for the name. This is the place where I comment on pop culutre, interesting news, and really anything that's moderately entertaining or funny. Enjoy.


Good Links

Not much time today, but thought I'd give anyone reading some interesting stuff to check-out.

Visit the most boring man in America.

Check out the crappiest blog in the world.

Hope you enjoy.


Blogger LJ said...

The Most Boring Man in America looks a lot like David "The Admiral" "I need some bottled water from Akron" "Dad, can I drive home from St. Louis to get my oil changed" Robinson...

4/12/2005 1:09 PM

Blogger dwhit said...

You know, that's funny. I almost made a comment that said, "This guy looks more boring than Dave Robinson" when I posted it.

Boy I could go for some Akron water right now, you know if there's ever a nuclear war he's gonna be happy he has that stockpile.

4/12/2005 1:14 PM

Blogger LJ said...

BTW - In case anyone was wondering, Brad sucks.

If we were in a nuclear war I think Dave would have to use his security clearance to draw a map and provide the US military commanders with locations of the enemy bases, right?

4/12/2005 1:24 PM

Blogger dwhit said...

No, I think that's why he has that plate in his head. It can tell him stuff like that. I'm pretty sure that's all confidential information though.

4/12/2005 1:27 PM

Blogger LJ said...

I have a radio set in my house to Dave's head's frequency to tell him when I find government secrets exploited in the tabloids.

4/12/2005 1:33 PM

Blogger Brad said...

Luke, eat crap.

4/12/2005 3:23 PM

Blogger Brad said...

Also, in response to the crappiest blog in the world thing, you didn't see all those pregnant women's blogs. Trust me, some of those were worse.

4/12/2005 3:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the lady obsessed with autism lady...she was my favorite...

4/12/2005 3:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops...I put in an extra's like reverse botchilism. Door.

4/12/2005 3:30 PM

Blogger LJ said...

Kate wants me to get her a cat and name it "Liger."

4/12/2005 3:33 PM

Blogger LJ said...

Hey Brad, I mean Dan. Why are you trying to become the most boring man in America?

4/15/2005 2:16 PM

Blogger LJ said...

Thanks for committing to this "great idea" of a blog only for the passion to fade and the whole idea to be left to blow away in the wind. This is exactly why I didn't start my own blog...

4/18/2005 3:23 PM

Blogger dwhit said...

It's gonna blow in the wind for a couple days each month. The way my work schedule works the 3 or 4 days before the 15th of each month I am SWAMPED. So I suggest you stop your bitching, take some Metamucil, and calm down.

4/18/2005 3:56 PM


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