Carl: "I heard we're goin' to Ape Island"
Lenny: "Yeah, to capture a giant ape. I wish we were going to Candy Apple Island"
Charlie: "Candy Apple Island? Whatta they got there?"
Carl: "Apes. But they're not so big"

That's the inspiration for the name. This is the place where I comment on pop culutre, interesting news, and really anything that's moderately entertaining or funny. Enjoy.



Well, it's official (even though it's not yet). The Cavs are going to miss the playoffs in catastrophic fashion. They've looked terrible since the all-star break. Nobody can make a jumper and the defenses all collapse on LeBron. Gooden and Z, our only two players who are at least mediocre, are both playing injured.

LeBron James' is going to demand a trade (maybe not this summer but he's bolting sometime in the next 365 days if the team is this big of a mess). It's looking increasingly impossible for any GM, be it Jim Paxson or whoever to get a real shooter (read: Michael Redd or even Ray Allen) to come to town, and the Cavs will surely dump 5 million on someone crappy like Dan Dickau. This team will still be just as bad without a true shooting threat, LeBron will leave, and all Cleveland fans are going to contemplate suicide.

That is, of course, until they go back to forgetting about and ignoring the Cavs like everyone was used to before The Chosen One came to town. He's going to go on to play for the Knicks or some other terrible team and The Cavs are going to be stuck with a bunch of middle of the road guys, or players past their prime, which always seems to happen. The Browns and Indians better be listening up and the both need to start hitting their strides here soon because Cleveland fans are going to need something to take their mind off the mess that is soon to be the Cleveland Cavaliers. Since they moved from Richfield maybe now we can call them the mistake by the lake.


Blogger dwhit said...

Brother Wayne,

Welcome! May I ask how you caught wind of my blog?

4/18/2005 4:40 PM

Blogger LJ said...

I am blessed!

4/18/2005 4:57 PM

Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

Let's see...there's got to be an upside to this...let me think...Oh Yeah!

Hey, this puts Cleveland into the upper echelons of big city credibility, joining New York and Los Angeles, who also missed the cut.

And the similarities to the situation in L.A. are almost spooky... a child star who left high school to become a big NBA stud, annointed and insistent upon being the center of attention even if it means other good ball players and coaches have to find new teams to make room for their ego...yes, ladies and gentlemen, I give you LeBron Bryant!

It's a shame. Cleveland deserves better.

*Morris Workman

4/20/2005 4:06 AM


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