Carl: "I heard we're goin' to Ape Island"
Lenny: "Yeah, to capture a giant ape. I wish we were going to Candy Apple Island"
Charlie: "Candy Apple Island? Whatta they got there?"
Carl: "Apes. But they're not so big"

That's the inspiration for the name. This is the place where I comment on pop culutre, interesting news, and really anything that's moderately entertaining or funny. Enjoy.


Lazy Co-Worker Revisited

Alright, so this is border line unbelievable, but as always everything I say here is true. No more than 24 hours after I made the blog entry about my lazy co-workers than do I get an email from my boss! It says that "Joyce's" mid-year review is coming up and I've been one of the people selected to review her. I believe my initial reaction was "ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodddddd!".

Well, now what in the hell do I do? Do I skip the Q&A and rating scales and simply provide a link to my blog about her? Do I delete the email and pretend I never saw it? Do I provide my boss with a list of reasons that "Joyce" is irresponsible and unprofessional? (You know, something like. . .)

  • Feeling a little 'run-down'
    Moving much slower than originally anticipated
    Sleeping to fend off sickness
    Plumbing emergency
    Knee Hurts
    Forgot Report
    Cramps (of which kind, we were afraid to ask)
    Forgot my Laptop

I mean I MUST sugar coat the truth, right? If I tell my boss the truth then I'M going to be the @$$hole. Yeah I get selected to review someone with a higher position than me and I give her a bunch of two's and one's (out of 5). That'll look realistic and like I don't have a grudge, or some sort of mental jealousy thing. Things are getting interesting, that's for sure.


Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

We live in an increasingly politically correct society. One of the few benefits is that you can now label anyone with the most disgusting, degrading labels in the world, so long as you make them sound politically correct.

Let me see if I can help:

"Feeling a little 'run-down'" = "Finds creative solutions to time stressors"

"Moving much slower than originally anticipated" = "Able to adjust pace without supervision"

"Sleeping to fend off sickness" = "Plans ahead"

"Plumbing emergency" = "Knows how to outsource"

"Knee Hurts" = "Has a 'tendon'-cy to avoid harmful 'joints'"

(Okay, that one sucked, but I couldn't resist)

"Forgot Report" = "Handles information in creative ways"

"Sidetracked" = "Knowledgeable about training"

(More accurate to say "Knowledgeable about railroading," but this will work.)

"Cramps (of which kind, we were afraid to ask)" = "Knows how to flex her muscle when necessary"

"Traffic" = "Experienced in transportation and distribution"

"Forgot my Laptop" = "Regularly stores important data offsite"

In this day and age, it's almost impossible to get someone fired. So the best you can hope for is to get her promoted to another department.

Good Luck!

*Morris Workman

4/30/2005 12:47 AM

Blogger LJ said...

Maybe you were chosen for a reson to review her. Maybe the boss isn't as unaware of the happenings in the office after all and feels that you can push through all of the politically correct bullshit and give him what he wants; the truth!

5/03/2005 1:26 PM

Blogger dwhit said...

Nope. She chooses the people to review her.

5/03/2005 2:53 PM


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