Carl: "I heard we're goin' to Ape Island"
Lenny: "Yeah, to capture a giant ape. I wish we were going to Candy Apple Island"
Charlie: "Candy Apple Island? Whatta they got there?"
Carl: "Apes. But they're not so big"

That's the inspiration for the name. This is the place where I comment on pop culutre, interesting news, and really anything that's moderately entertaining or funny. Enjoy.


Homeless Guy

For today's post I've got a guest writer. Yes, Luke is here with a story about the streets of Cleveland and his favorite homeless guy that is guaranteed to make you laugh. I think the only real background that you need is that Luke absolutely hates Miami University (of Ohio) and THE Ohio State University. Oh, and I guess that Luke really thinks of himself as at least pseudo-religious and he tends to like things that are about religion . . . I'm sure he'll comment and correct me if any of this sounds wrong . . . Anyways, here is his latest crazy musing, which made me laugh out loud at least twice when he emailed it to me.

The other day I got this camo & blaze orange hat as a "bonus" from a guy who I bought my new PW and 9-iron from on eBay. Since I walk by beggars on the streets of Cleveland on my way to the office each day I thought maybe I should give the hat to my "favorite bum" that I refer to as "FB." For some time now I have referred to this gentleman as "FB" when telling my wife, in-laws or family about my days. Since my wife and I live in the middle of the country and I drive over 60 miles to work in a large city each day, my work experience is much different than anything my wife has ever experienced on a regular basis in her life.

Back to "FB." Why would I refer to a random beggar as my Favorite Bum? Well maybe it is because every day when I pass this guy on the corner of East 9th Street and Euclid Ave. each day as he proclaims "You ladies and gentlemen have a nice day. God be with you." I generally have a soft spot for religious people (that's why I hate Brad), and even if he just says it so people will give him money (which is likely the case) there's a soft spot in my heart for the religious comment nonetheless.

On a few occasions I have wanted to buy him thermal socks or a jacket or a skull cap to keep him warm, but I have never really gotten up the motivation to spend money on "FB." So while I thought about giving him my "bonus" hat that I know I will never wear, I thought about the fact that he may wear the hat all of the time and think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. To get a free hat from one of the "Big Shot City Workers" (which I am not!) may be a big deal to this poor guy. So I thought to myself, why not use this as a marketing opportunity if I am gonna give him something? I mean hundreds of people pass this guy each day as he proclaims his little "God be with you!" line. Why not take advantage of it all? I can give him something and get something in return! You can see that working in marketing for the past 4 years has really gotten to me!

Suddenly a better idea comes into my head. Why not use this opportunity to do some reverse-marketing. There are many things that piss me off or annoy me so why not bash one of them. Now my decision is this; should I buy a Miami University Alumni hat or a Ohio State University Alumni hat for "FB?" I mean a homeless bum begging for money in an Ohio State Alumni hat... How funny would that be?


Blogger The Complimenting Commenter said...

That is a sad, yet really funny story all at the same time. Great post!

5/04/2005 4:03 PM

Blogger Brad said...

Luke sucks. Hey Luke, there is no god.

5/05/2005 7:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a god, but Jesus scwisn't his son.

5/05/2005 11:19 PM

Blogger dwhit said...

The best part is when Luke thinks that bums think of him and his collegues as "big shot city workers". That narrowly beats out the fact that his wife lives so far into Outer Mongolia that she has never seen a homeless person.

5/06/2005 3:21 PM

Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

"Bums" is such a cruel, insensitive word.

Here in Nevada, an hour from Las Vegas, we refer to them as "Gamblers with a negative outcome."

In our small town, someone gave our official homeless guy a parka during the winter. Unfortunately, he only chooses to wear it during the summer. (Hint: we're talking about the Nevada desert, where summer temperatures regularly hover around 112 degrees.)

Your idea fills me with all kinds of similar thoughts, gifts for the man who has the opposite of everything...

A t-shirt from one of those get-rich-quick companies like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

A hat from "Gamblers Anonymous"

A sign that says "Will work for sun screen"

A shirt from "The Apprentice"

A brilliant concept!

*Morris Workman

5/08/2005 1:25 AM

Blogger LJ said...

"That narrowly beats out the fact that his wife lives so far into Outer Mongolia that she has never seen a homeless person."

This is possibly the funniest thing I have heard said about my life ever!

5/09/2005 1:48 PM

Blogger dwhit said...

No way that's funnier than stuff I could say about you doing the play-by-play for your Playstation games.

In fact, that may deserve its own blog post.

5/10/2005 9:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He plays NCAA
and he gives the play by play
and he never turned his uniform back in...

5/11/2005 9:35 AM


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