Carl: "I heard we're goin' to Ape Island"
Lenny: "Yeah, to capture a giant ape. I wish we were going to Candy Apple Island"
Charlie: "Candy Apple Island? Whatta they got there?"
Carl: "Apes. But they're not so big"

That's the inspiration for the name. This is the place where I comment on pop culutre, interesting news, and really anything that's moderately entertaining or funny. Enjoy.


Ohio Education

Like always in the middle of the month, I've had no time to blog lately, and have little right now, but I figured I'd make a quick post. The funding for public education in Ohio is especially screwed up. It's all done by property taxes, so districts with a nuclear power plant have high schools nicer than most colleges, and schools in the ghetto barely have walls and a roof.

Everyone knows this system needs to be fixed. My personal favorite solution is to take property taxes, but to dump them into one state-wide bucket, and then to split up the money evenly, throughout the state on a per-student basis.

Recently a friend has made me aware of Educate Ohio. They have a slightly different plan with lots of loopholes (that's right, stay away from those Robin Hood AND anti-Robin Hood acts!).

There are definitely things that I don't like about it. However, there are positives, like it will be a good starting point for discourse. Maybe this plan will help people come up with ideas to actually make the plan better.

I'd basically just like to hear what others think about this thing, and to see if they think it's a viable solution.

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